Welcome to First Christian Church!
Our dream is to see Jesus transform lives!

We want to see our children, our city of Richland, our families, our workplaces and our world flourish. We believe this will happen as we live in God's love and are rooted in God's truth.

We strive to live out this dream encouraging, challenging and loving each other in the way of Jesus. We invite you to come explore our dream and family as we follow Jesus together. 

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Weekly Schedule
Sun- S.S. - 9:30a
  Worship - 10:30a
  Bible Study - 6p
Tue- Mens Bible Study - 9a
Wed- Womens Bible Study- 11a
   Bible Study & Kids Konnect - 6p
Current Elders
Ken Peterson
Bill Kincaid
Rich Homan
Ron Leonard
Current Deacons
Jerry Pemberton
Alan Davison
Jerry Mathes
Jeff Sheeley
KC Werths
Carl Metzger
Jim Nunley